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Our Founders

Angela McDonald, M.Ed.


Angela’s shared passion for education, children, and community prompts her to serve educators in a way that will ELEVATE MINDSETS AND DEVELOP ESSENTIAL SKILLS.   Her work is rooted in a desire to see ALL students thriving academically, socially, and emotionally. Throughout her time as an educator, mentor, facilitator, and instructional coach, she saw the need for school communities to be guided through the systems, processes, and tools necessary to sustain an EQUITABLE & IMPACTFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCE for students every day.  She has since devoted her expertise to this end and is consistently shifting school cultures FROM DEFICITS TO WINS!


Angela holds an Associate of Arts in Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration in Management, Masters in Elementary Education, and Post Baccalaureate Certificate in English as a Second Language. As a lifelong learner with 15+ years of experience, Angela continues to build and leverage her expertise in professional learning through FACILITATION, CONTENT DESIGN, AND LEADERSHIP CONSULTATION which has helped shape learning outcomes for hundreds of students.  Her life is fully committed to first working to realize her very best self.  She sets goals and intentions for each day in the same way she does for each and every project task... with a FOCUSED DETERMINATION & COURAGE.  She instills these same values into her children with words and a consistent model of how to use life experiences to motivate your drive to success. 

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Jasmin Porter, M.Ed.


With 20+ YEARS OF EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE, Jasmin Porter has dedicated her life to her eternal bottom line...STUDENT SUCCESS. Jasmin has an undergraduate degree from Spelman College and received her certification and graduate degree from Nicholls State University and Grand Canyon University. Jasmin is known as THE TEACHERS' TEACHER and has been dedicated to supporting teachers with the implementation of HIGH-QUALITY CURRICULA through specific and CUSTOMIZED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT.


Jasmin's work thoughtfully develops educators' capacity to foster LITERACY through direct ELA instruction and a CROSS-CONTENT appreciation for the value of literate students in every subject.  She is a highly sought-after facilitator and instructional coach. Her focus is on embedding diversity and access into instructional practices while continuing to honor and value the commitment and many unseen sacrifices of the classroom teacher. Jasmin loves supporting educators, but her first ministry and constant motivation is her FAMILY. She lives and laughs in LaPlace, LA with her husband and their four children. Jasmin believes that change happens when one dedicated, intentional, and committed person at a time works to become a PART OF THE SOLUTION in education, in communities, in families, and across the world.


Our Commitment to Excellence


STEAM PowerED elevates educators' voices and cultivates spaces for their collaborative genius to be maximized.  We believe in a world where every critical stakeholder in a student's life has appropriate access AND  a space to share necessary resources they can leverage to support success for every child.


Our goal is to support school leaders in leveraging quality literacy initiatives as a catalyst for academic achievement across all content areas. STEAM PowerED helps to create equitable, accessible, relevant professional learning opportunities for educators. Our concierge-style, customizable approach, intentionally and systemically builds more diverse and inclusive communities.


Educators are professionals who deserve professional relationships built on trust and sustained by an exchange of knowledge, experience, and compassion.


Educators must craft a truly shared vision. Ownership and investment in professional learning influence how much teachers commit to progress and student success.

Differentiated professional learning experiences meet educators where they are and effectively expand their capacity for high-quality instructional implementation.  



In order to do what’s best for students, we have to disrupt familiar yet ineffective patterns, systems, and habits.  We don’t want to interrupt your day, we want to transform your way.

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