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Systemically build the capacity of your instructional staff with our five step approach to collaborative professional learning. Participants will meet to engage in analyses of student performance and teachers’ impact on learning. We will open our practice together and allow the power of collective knowledge & experience alongside expert instructional leadership to closely guide our decisions and move the needle forward for our students. Collab sessions are driven by:

• long-range goal setting and planning support
• hands-on support to build capacity of building-level

instructional support teams
• quarterly reports for admin teams surrounding student

growth, instructional trends, and gaping holes in achievement.

Educator Excellence, Student Achievement: The Connection

The connection between educator excellence and student achievement is at the heart of our professional learning programs, where success is shared by both educators and their students.


of teachers say after participating in Collabs they feel comfortable planning for instruction with student needs in mind.


of teachers say Collabs  provided strategies and reflection on building healthy and productive relationships in their classroom for all students.


of teacher say Collabs have

 supported them in being responsive to students' backgrounds, cultures, and points of view.

Educational Support, Exceptional Results

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